Wednesday 26 February 2014

Tony Howell

"Tony Howell is one of England's finest landscape photographers. A professional photographer with over 35 years experience, he is based in Somerset, near Bristol. His style is instantly recognisable - simple, uncluttered compositions and an overall sense of peace and stillness borne out of his deep love of the natural world." -

Through researching different photographer I came across Tony Howells work, before I read anything about the photographer himself I saw some of his photographs and I was instantly grabbed and dragged in by the different colours and compositions that are within his photographs. 

His work is well known and he has done work for publications such as National Geographic and The BBC.

Here is a statement from Howell that I read on his website

"When I started using a camera in 1977, I really started seeing the world properly for the first time.
I take photographs because I'm interested in anything beautiful, but particularly the natural world. I just love nature; I love the creative process, and tuning in to my own interpretation of the subject; trying to express my feelings about what I see. I hope to get my message across in my images: - peace and joy through beauty. Concentrate on beauty and it infuses your life. It can be a spiritual experience that lifts me higher; mostly when I'm photographing, but sometimes when I make a great print and relive being there. Taking photographs makes me seek out beauty, which then uplifts me. I'm not just doing it for myself; I've received many thank you messages from people over the years. My work has uplifted them too, and many say it inspires them. This is surely the greatest compliment, and spurs me on to improve my skills and attempt to capture more fine glimpses of this fascinating, fragile world." -

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Again this photographers work relates to my own in a different way, with the abstract images showing different compositions and formations from natural things.


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