Wednesday 26 February 2014

Ryan Bush


Ryan Bush is an abstract photographer, the photograph above is from a series titled 'Colour' and is one that was undertaken from the year 2005 through to 2011 with him capturing and adding new photographs to the series. All of the images in this series can be seen here :,%202005-2011
One of the reasons that I like this series of photographs so much is how they are very much nature based images focusing on the natural beauty of wildlife and such. Showing the different formations and compositions that are natural and beautiful. He uses macro photography to get the small detail that you may not really notice to bring out the detail and beauty of things - which, is something that I intend to do within this project.

I read this statement from Bush himself which was on his website under 'Artist Statement'
Mysteries are hidden everywhere around us in plain sight, in bare tree branches and simple leaves, electric wires, manhole covers, shadows on stairs, buildings and architecture, even in our own handwriting. Some of these wonders we take for granted, while others we may never have really seen. For me, abstract photography is a bridge that connects our everyday world with imaginary worlds, places that are no less real just because we can't touch them. We must be content with seeing them through the eye of abstraction.

I am drawn to images that carry a certain meditative quality. Part of this is achieved by using a sparse language of geometrical shapes, lines, and rhythms. Furthermore, I often use a narrow tonal range, so that the images are either overall dark or overall light. By abstracting away from the literal subject matter, I hope to leave behind the question "What is it?", and let our associations to come to the forefront. My goal is for the photographs to have a feeling of meditative simplicity, so they are images not from our everyday, mundane world of hustle and bustle, but instead from the more symbolic and archetypal world of our imagination."

In a way this is exactly what I am getting at with this project by trying to get people to see the things that go by unseen and don't get noticed - but are things that should be see and appreciated as they are vital to out everyday lives and wellbeing. 

I have looked through a number of the different series' of photographs on his website and I am really draw to his work, his photographs are really intriguing and like he has stated he want to raise questions and get people wondering what they are seeing, he has definitely done this with some of his images which I really like and it makes them even more interesting as they have a case of mystery against them.

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