Wednesday 7 May 2014

Justifying my exhibition display

I have though a lot about how I want to hang my final images for my exhibition display. I want to display my images in a way that is very simple yet very effective at the same time. I decided on the amount of images that I was going to have in my completed series, which is four images. I started to think about the different ways I could display these four images, as well as the order that I wanted them to be in. Below are my four final images shown in the order that I am going to display them in for my exhibition.

I am wanting to have a very simple and basic exhibition display, purely because I want the photographs to be the main point of the display and I want the photographs to do all of the talking. I simply want to have my images displayed in a horizontal format across the wall space that I have to display my four images.

There is a specific reason for the images being hung in the order, this is due to how they show the birth, growth and life of the natural forms that I have captured. I want it to be like the viewer is being taken on a journey - by walking in a certain direction and viewing the images in the specific order.


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